Conceptual God


Who is God? 🙂
Every monotheistic religion has its own take on this question.
It is this. It is that. He comes personally to teach us. I had an experience with him, etc.
People fight among themselves to defend the “concept of God,” and ultimately it becomes a way to feel “special.”

Let us consider some answers about the concept of God:

How about this answer for starters: He is the “creator.” He is omnipotent. He is omnipresent. He is omniscient. He is our father. He is perfect. Any other titles?

Now the question to every reader: What does it mean to you?

God can do anything to me at any time. He can punish me. He can bless me. He can save me. He can get me anything I desire as long as I love him, worship him, etc. My love is tinted with fear. Moreover, my love is not truly love, until I learn to discover the meaning of love in me. The childish concept that God “will save you” if you just believe in him, is a fairy tale once spiritual knowledge is understood.

The law of karma does not allow for that fairy tale.

If God is the “creator,” what has he created? Some say the Universe, human beings, everything. However, if in fact, he created a human being in “his image,” would that mean that Adam (the first man) was a Caucasian, blue eyed male? Is that his “image”? Then, every other race becomes something further away from that “first creation.” If his “image” is something non-physical, how can I perceive that non-physicality? How can I believe that this non-physicality could belong to a religion?

If in fact, God is “perfect,” is he able to create a creation which deteriorates in time to be far away from the “original” creation? Is deterioration part of that conceptual view of perfection?

Now, if we go from the traditional religions into the non-traditional ideologies then we could find this:

If God didn’t create anything, for everything “recycles” itself in a cyclical view of time, then what is the meaning of God? What is his job? 🙂

He is not omnipotent because he cannot create; He cannot be omnipresent because not everyone sees him and if he is omniscient; then how can I have free will, if he knows what I will be doing? Some say, “He knows what you will be doing but it doesn’t mean that you are not acting out of your free will.”

Ladies and gentleman, If someone knows what I will be doing in the future; isn’t that proof that “my free will” is not really that for the outcome is already known? 🙂

How can He be omniscient if in fact there is a law of “cause and effect” and there is a cycle of time which is eternally repetitive? He may “recall” what will happen when I do not, but that is not to be omniscient but just not to be forgetful.
I forget. He does not. Maybe?

How can He be “my father” if I wasn’t created? Who invented that “relationship”?
Then, what is the meaning of God in this life or Drama?
Have you ever asked that question?

Simple. He/She (as however someone may like to conceptualize God) only helps us to remember who we are. That is all. That can happen through teachings, that could happen through experiences, that could happen through any other means. There is no “book” defining how that could happen.

The issue is that “to listen to Him” means to practice. To Be. To become. Very few listen to that.

Nevertheless, please see how much we have changed the meaning of God. Look how much we have “used and abused” that conceptual idea of God for our own benefit.
We have used that concept of God to create wars. To create religions to divide people between the “sons of God” and the rest. Just out of the ego of being recognized as something “especial,” when everyone is unique.

We have used that concept of God, to give ourselves power to dictate over others, to create fear among believers, to dominate people, to subjugate other beliefs, to feel empowered by a concept… when the whole idea of the meaning of God is simply to remember about our own divinity and to let that divinity emerge, so we become “like Him.”

That is all. All other concepts and brainy discussions are out.
Because that means conceptual ideas of God. No one can possess God. We can only have beliefs, concepts, definitions, discussions, debates, ideas of Him.
In short:
The truth resides in the self. “To be like Him”- His image, means to BE… not talk about him, to conceptualize Him/Her. To know God means to be his image.

Trapped in concepts, ideas, ideologies, isms, dogmas, etc. we have abused the significance of that pristine undeveloped image which could become a beautiful picture only when its meaning fully develops in the hearts of human beings.

Then, we become His image.


  1. vvrisor

    “To be like Him”
    “To know God means to be his image”
    and what matters ultimately is, the experience of self “NOW”!….thank you avyakt7 for your churnings on the concepts of GOD.


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