Tagged: tolerance

“The virtue of tolerance is important to imbibe in order to become content” BY: Rajyogi BK Dr. Kamta

The virtue of tolerance is important to imbibe in order to become content.
What is visible from the face of those who have the virtue of tolerance?
– The face of those who have the virtue of tolerance constantly reveals them to be content.
-Their eyes and features will never be those of discontentment.
Those who themselves remain the embodiment of contentment will make others content, and whilst walking and moving, they will be experienced as angels.

The virtue of tolerance is a very important dharna.
The more I see the power of tolerance within myself, the more I can consider myself to be content with myself and also others will be content with me. To be content means to attain success.

There are those who are able to tolerate anything:
-to tolerate something means to go into the depth of it. Just as when we go to the bottom of the ocean, we emerge with jewels,
in the same way,
those who are tolerant go into the depth, and through this depth, they are able to attain many powers.

Those who are tolerant can attain the power of churning. Those who are tolerant will remain constantly busy in their own internal churning.
And those who are engaged in churning have a stage where they are lost in love.

Only those who are tolerant are able to hold the shield of the drama. If you are not tolerant, it is difficult to get hold of the shield of the drama. When one understands it’s the drama it is easy to be tolerant and so content.

Only those who are tolerant are able to be detached observers, and are able to hold the shield of the drama.
It is important to pay this much attention to the inculcation of tolerance.

Question: There are some people in one’s life who has the capacity to press your red buttons…A rarely found ones and have a close karmic with them. If you remain silent, they would play their repetitive button, insisting you to answer, and if you answer you know that it would lead to further disturbances. You have to face them anyway. How shall one handle such papers, because under such situations either one find the self in trouble or in guilty??

Thank you for your very good question! πŸ™‚
I know exactly what you are saying.
As you mentioned, that is a signal of karmic accounts which need to be settled. It may not be with those particular souls, but as BapDada has mentioned in the avyakt Murlis , “those souls become instruments” so you can experience those karmic accounts. The goal is just one: Whatever they do, whatever they say, whatever they feel; none of that should affect you. That is all. Once you experience that without making any effort; you have passed the ‘test.’

In my experience there are 2 things which have been working for me:
1) The experience of the “a-temporal,” the “point” or the soul on a repetitive basis through meditation. That creates an stage by itself, without you making any effort on “doing things.” Actually, it is a way to settle karmic accounts.
2) Good feelings and pure wishes. If you do not have those, you will have waste thoughts which will not allow you to experience the “a-temporal” stage, yoga, the stage of the point, etc.

I could add the following as well: Check to see if you have any expectations out of those individuals. Check to see if you have any sort of dependency on them. if you do, those expectations and dependencies (psychologically by getting their approval) of any kind are the source of the karmic account, which is really emerging some of your weaknesses. That is all. Once those weaknesses are taken care of, you are good to go… πŸ™‚

In this particular case, if you respond with a ‘good stage’ with good feelings and still your response is taken adversely, then see if that is affecting you. At that point is important to excuse yourself and leave. Your stage is the important item. How you feel during the test will create the impact on those souls.

Finally feeling “guilty’ is wasteful.
If it could be “repaired,” then there is no need to feel guilty but to have the desire to learn from the situation and improve with determination.
If it cannot be repaired, then there is no reason to feel guilty for something which cannot be otherwise. Many times this just takes acceptance of things as they are, rather than having hope and wishing for something which is not reality. Move on with life.

Best wishes!

Question: Dear Brother ,In our relationships though good ,still we find we are at times made to feel unworthy indirectly, the other persons praises themselves in such a way that the message is sent to us. Though I understand that its their ego or more of thier own bodyconsciousness but i find same is come into me bcoz after some time i get into negative thinking ,no good feelings for that soul. sometimes resentment and sometimes distancing.This is going on like a war. Please share some good tips to handle these situations .How much and what particular effort is required .

Thank you for your good question!

Dear soul, At this time is very difficult to have a relationship with a human being at the “same level.” What you will find is that one person “pursues” the other and will do anything to keep that person content or happy even lowering their own self respect. On the other hand, the other person will play the “critic” part: You are not good enough. Something is missing. Something needs to change. You are not making him/her happy.etc.

It is this basic “set up,” in relationships nowadays that make our lives difficult. Therefore, there are 2 “yukties” (methods) which BapDada has already given us.
1) Tolerance: This is from last Sunday avyakt Murli (11-4-12) where BapDada asked us to tolerate because He is asking that as our “normal” behavior from us. However, that should be to tolerate out of love for BapDada. This also goes nicely with today’s Baba’s definition on a relationship with God: “A relationship with One means a stable mind which does not wander.” In the case that you are explaining, the “wandering” are the “feelings” that you experience. Along with this comes “self-respect.” Your value as a human being does not depend on whatever someone says or thinks about you. This is why BapDada continually praises us. Our self respect needs a “boost,” but that is based on knowledge.

2) The practical tip is to see everyone as you would see a 5 year old child. That is “change your vision.” When that 5 year old tells you something or even kicks you, you will not be hurt by those activities. When you change that vision then you will not feel affected. Changing this vision is not “visualizing,” but it is understanding about the ego needs of the soul and limited spiritual awakening. This is not meant for you to feel “superior,” but to feel at ease with an expected and typical behavior of a person at this time. They just behave like spoiled children sometimes… πŸ™‚

Best wishes! πŸ™‚

Question: I am a BK since 6 years, and I have experience various different stages, but the best part is that I keep evolving and progressing. Now, I am at this particular stage (maybe u would be familiar with the experience) where I see my stage oscillates from one state to another and it keeps moving. Few days, I experience complete bliss and flying stage and then without any outer trigger or obstacle, I find myself coming out from that stage (enjoying that inner space to being extroversion) and even being aware that its going to attack me, I feel so helpless…. again when I feel that it (waste and suffering) has come to brim, then I overcome that and feel the extreme opposite state…..I am not able to maintain a balanced state and at times, I felt so helpless and painful to always keep experiencing this ups and downs…..What should I do? Shall I accept it as a part of this journey? Shall I fight bck with the fluctuation I face? I always try to observe and watch my feelings when they are going out of control or unfamiliar to me, but always fails…..? Please share your experiences which might help me to tackle this

Thank you for your challenging question!
Thank you for sharing your experiences as well as your challenges. Being a BK for 6 years is meaningless for “last go fast,” and that is all there is.

In today’s Murli (9/13/12) Baba spoke about “maintaining our stage constant and stable.” He mentioned that “following Shrimat accurately” is what makes the difference.
When we say “Shrimat” there are many implications for “Shrimat” is pretty much individual. A “Shrimat” for a householder is different than a Kumar; that is why I like to go back to the Maryadas, for Maryadas are for all BKs.

Many times, our carelessness in one Maryada makes a difference. Today Baba spoke about cooking your own food among other pieces of advice. This is something that you may need to consider, unfortunately; I am limited in my knowledge of your particular situation; therefore, i can only share general items.

Now, on your question. I am aware that many souls have experienced this “trip” of bliss and out of this world experiences with Baba. Those experience serve as “motivators” to continue in this path; however, let me be clear that in this path, suffering needs to be experienced so we can learn and overcome. That is just our own weaknesses magnified through the tests of life.
This is part of the package of “dying alive,” until that suffering is understood and transformed. That means, our vices transformed into virtues again.

If you are not “creating” your stage with awareness, then any other energy around you can “get into you” and change your mood. I found this is one of the most common issues with souls who have lots of sensibility. These souls could be in tune with subtle experiences and “Baba’s energies,” but at the same time; the opposite will happen with “negative energies,” thus, changing easily the stage of these souls.
Perhaps this is your case.

Our stage is not made by “outside forces.” It is not made by subtle, divine experiences. We make that stage with awareness and understanding of our own processes in life. That is why, it takes time. If your stage fluctuates like a “roller coaster” that is the proof that your stage is not coming from your own self awareness. There is no “recipe” to improve that, other than letting life show you the way. The solution will come if you are honest with your efforts. Waiting just means the opportunity to settle karmic accounts in the process.

Do not get discouraged. As you mentioned, the first thing is to “accept that is happening to you.” Do not deny it. Then look for things to try to “improve.” “fighting” means rejecting. There is no fighting in spirituality. It is just accepting, surrendering ego and flowing with life.

Check the accuracy of those “maryadas.”
Check if you are experiencing greater concentration to be able to create your own stage despite outside forces…and finally have the tolerance and the courage to persist and to look and try for “new” solutions. Experiment.

Do not despair in what you are experiencing for it will change in due time if your persist. It is guaranteed. Tolerance and patience are needed more than anything else.

This path is about trying new things rather than repeating the same old stuff. Openness is needed. That is my experience.

Best wishes!